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Messages - EpicalDude

Pages: [1] 2 3
News / Re: Kickstarter is paused
« on: March 02, 2013, 07:47:58 AM »
The devs name says it all:
Take away the "g" in Timbos full name, say outload, and the hidden truth is revealed.
(Truth aside)
If a new name is needed, even new models, it will take work of course but it is not as bad as it could've been under certain circumstances. Have we lost any player support? No. Those on this forum seem to still be loyal, and it's not like th idiots at the forums were going to pay for it anyway.
Is Kickstarter gone? No, only paused.
Do we still have our granger pillows? (Or moostices or spangnolds–whatever they'll be called)

And it's very good for something like this to happen now in the developmental stages instead of right before it is published or when it had been selling for a while. This way now it can only change and go up from here.  :)

You can be sued (Rota) for using shape of granger and so on.
luckily the intellectual slavery laws of this game (as seen by 2013 USA, UK communists and other fascist legal systems) DO ALLOW to copy all this media and sell them, if you will just somehow attribute tremulous and maybe provide some kind of source. Talk to lawyer and get it resolved :)

Discussion / Re: Suggest new name
« on: March 01, 2013, 07:21:54 PM »
I sumarized all names in first post. Please suggest more :)

EpicAliens :o

Discussion / Re: New name for our game?
« on: March 01, 2013, 07:20:42 PM »
No. Worst thing that maybe/probably/teoretically can hapen is that they will additionaly register trademark and after that we must to change name. But registering trademark cost money, it is long road (6 months?) and it is not sure that they will obtain it.

No, completely wrong.
Because the question is wrong.

There is no "law".

There are many various laws in various countries.

USA patents and other intellectual slavery are winning in USA and EU, they can sue you anything even for using bullets in game.
And using anything similar to Tremulous increases problems.
This is stupid.
Until more reasonable laws are passed (maybe when EU communism and USA fascism collapses finally), you should just lawyer up and ignore stupid haters, imo.

And I guess use other name, that one we can do.

Suggestions, ideas / Re: Spider nests.
« on: March 01, 2013, 07:13:25 PM »

Seriously? You do know that is literally looks like ........ ? ;)

News / Re: Kickstarter is paused
« on: March 01, 2013, 07:06:30 PM »
Aww, thats a shame D: Does this mean that EVERYTHING has to change? (Aliens looks, names, human buildings, ect.

Intellectual - Slavery can try to use law to make this game
- not use given name
- not use similar shapes of aliens
- not use similar game play types
- not use similar certain small ideas like "how to do lights" or "idea that game players can gather points from looking at ads in-game and then spend them on buying weapons"

Patents, copyrights, and other bad things.

Btw, I find this a bit amusing that you still support intellectual slavery (extorting money from players - e.g. you can send armed people to take him away to cage if he used his computer to make a copy of the game files).

So I wonder, how would T2 do in shoes of T1 developers then..
If I would make new game and call it Tremulous3 or Tremulous-Fire 2
If I would copy your game files and play them
If I would copy your game files and take money when I give it to other people

anyway T1 move was not nice

Suggestions, ideas / Re: Tremulous 2 For Linux
« on: February 02, 2013, 02:06:02 AM »
3) Linux is not a gaming platform.

- has caught Blizzard's eye... 2013 will be the year that "at least one of their very popular titles will see a release for Ubuntu Linux." -

- Valve Begins Listing Linux Requirements For Certain Games On Steam -

-  'Join the Beta' promotion on the homepage of Steam suggesting you try Steam for Linux -

Yeah, Steam, Blizzard, what they know when experts like poster above (Gunther) had spoken.

Discussion / Re: Game cost
« on: January 26, 2013, 12:26:52 PM »
"the UE3 development seats "

hihi imaginary property is so funny.

Next you would need to purchase the Allowance of the King of the World to use a computer or write any game at all even from scratch.

Oh actually this is true, software patents :)

Discussion / Re: Trem official forum: Copyright Issues debate
« on: January 08, 2013, 09:28:18 PM »
Now OpenSource (kind of ideology) is the one that is opposing this
Stop trolling.

Oh but I am not, my intelligence challenged cupcake :)
In fact game play CAN BE PATENTED (copyrighted actually too... well some fucking kind of infringement as asshole corporations call their imaginary property).

There was a story of clone (or remake?) of X-COM Apocalypse from microprose (best tactical game ever).

They abandoned their project afair from serious fears regarding owners of xcom intellectual so-called property suing them because they recrated same *gameplay*.
EDITED hmm not sure, was it ufo2000? their forum is down where they (or similar game) announced such end.

@rotack are you sure that just using some assets will make entire game using them as forced open source?

You know what you can do probably?
Auto-install our good old tremulous GPP while installing trem2.
And make tremulous2 use the GPP's granger sound if installed.

(but I'm not a lawyer currently)


Discussion / Re: Trem official forum: Copyright Issues debate
« on: January 08, 2013, 05:47:07 PM »
Sure. Maybe even FPS style of game is copyright issue... ;)

Yes, it is (patent, not copyright).

Now OpenSource (kind of ideology) is the one that is opposing this :)

Discussion / Re: Linux Support
« on: December 30, 2012, 12:31:19 AM »

Discussion / Re: Linux Support
« on: December 30, 2012, 12:08:49 AM »
I can not imagine that anyone would have to do that from scratch.

Ioquake / opendoom does it, but it was easier afair.. afair it happened with never opensourced games too but maybe not in FPS world yet.

Either way. How about: using that not-portable UE3 engine,
but open-sourcing *some files* that make it possible to have open source client  done easier by someone else, eg the mods/qvm files, maybe art (even if in lower quality) and so on?

Current community is like this (from RCZ server)

Uploaded with

So based on this and the talks we have now and then with communities,

1) Current Tremulous Community - 50% or so will not likes closed T2 :|
2) Linux Gamers Community - most will not likes closed T2 :| obviously
3) Mainstream Games Community - doesn't give a shit about closed/open and will just compare game to other games.

I think there might be more money in grabbing 10% market in communities 1+2,
then in grabbing 0.001% of market in community 3 competing with best companies in the world with millions ready for marketing...
apparently T2 does not share this view.

Well time will tell.

Until then, I'm interested in any more arguments (with merit) for either opinion (or anything in between)

Suggestions, ideas / Re: Start a Kickstarter!
« on: December 29, 2012, 04:18:48 PM »
Minecraft was built the best it can possibly be. Java sucks, tbh. If it was built with something like C++ from the ground-up, it would be a lot lighter, but cross-platform ability would be nigh removed.

Also, yes. Epicaldude = language abusing troll at this point. :p

And with that, I leave. Someone tell me when he pulls his head off Canonical's dick.

Yeah java can suck my ear in a non-sexual way (happy, moderator? ;) about performance.

This is not correct that cross-platformity will be removed when using C++ instead of java: example, again, Quakes, Doom, and some of games build on them.

Even tremulous 1, gpp, and Unvanquished -  C++ and crossplatform, and I think it was not that much more work. Actually I just asked -

Discussion / Re: Linux Support
« on: December 29, 2012, 04:12:02 PM »
EpicalDude: I had to add new rule so please stop using "nigga" and "fat moms". If you want to continue, go there

Trem RCZ really wants to remain the better Trem :)

One more idea comes to mind: will the servers, protocol, be open enough so that a compatible open source clients could join if created?

Suggestions, ideas / Re: Start a Kickstarter!
« on: December 29, 2012, 02:52:43 AM »
You have no argument with the kickstarter. Just because there are millions of people that are going to want the game if they see it, doesn't mean that they are going to see it. At all.

Very good observation, thank you again for proving my point.

Point: marketing is hard.

Compare "zomg most pro game EVER on linux ! go pre buy on kickstarter! wooo" imagin all the linux fanboys across globe at least checking it out.

Compare with... "hey anooooother shooter. with some evolution thing going on or something.. yeah" *crickets*.

If you know how say slashdot effect works, or humble-bundle, etc you can probably guess which will be selling itself and will be known for years as first e.g. completely free pro linux native game
and which will suck up tons of money for marketing competing with entire world for the limited attention span of mainstream FPS players.

And Windows 8 sucks. I completely agree. And if Microsoft doesn't clean up their act, you're right. They're going to end up dead. But Valve completely dropping Windows support is possibly the stupidest notion I have ever heard. That's 90%+ of their profit. Any decent gamer isn't going to move past Windows 7 anyway.
Well I wish a quick death to windows (because they are assholes, but thats another topic completely) and one lovelly scenario would be for windows 8 desktop to follow w8 mobile: totally die and make place for linux as it happened on mobiles: 50% linux(android), iphone, RMI, and ~10% nokia/w8.

Discussion / Re: Linux Support
« on: December 29, 2012, 02:45:45 AM »

Lol, you do not accept wikipedia and it's referneces as sources? Then there is nothing to discuss with you on the internet if you just refuse any arguments hehe :)

It can be done, if the company is very well known, and it has a very large support base.

It will be not so easy cashgrab as Carmagedon or Wastelands, but not necessary impossible.

They are using Kickstarter anyway.

If it will be DRM free it will get them more funding and more customers.
Run on linux - also (at least wine compatible).
And other points too, with downsides being what.. that other engine would be used. What is the next best engine that runs on linux?

Being open source: again 1) the engine choice  2) anti-botting is imo idiotic for the reasons stated above (that no one yet replied to)  3) anti-piracy is imo not needed at all (pirates gonna pirate, buyers gonna buy and that's it).

Now if you want to provide anything construcitve then sit down like I did, find some links get the numbers, then do some math, write pros/cons and then we know how different options might affect profitability & popularity of it.

If you don’t want to provide constructive feedback then fell free to suck my cock which picture you can find somewhere on RCZ trem gpp forum (it's amazingly sweet).

It's called a 'Venture-Capital Loan', and I'm pretty sure AAA has already taken one out if they're actually serious.

The problem remains but is then VC and/or publisher problem instead of AAA problem. Still it will affect AAA, Im sure they want game to be commercial success no matter how directly it affects their money.

The closed source games that are on Steam are not piratable?
They are not on the pirate bay? really?
For example which popular game?

All of them.

You can pirate the game all day long, but if you don't have permission from the Steam authentication servers to use it, it's just wasted hard drive space.

If you mean that the game server will not let the player in:
thank you for proving my point about piracy and close-source;
For anti piracy make game open-source because as we said anyone can get the CLIENT and make the SERVERS not accept invalid keys, or at least the best servers (yours).

If you where saying it about DRM, then DRM is always crackable and only the honest users are affected (read: pissed as fuck) by it. And they turn into pirates because they pay more and get WORSE service as not-pirates when it comes to DRM.

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