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Messages - ProPanek

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Do I have an aimbot? XD
« on: April 10, 2018, 12:03:23 PM »

And after that he vote for kicking me and the vote passed cause he can't kill me as a pitin. (I'm a trem vet btw)
That's hilaroius XD

Discussion / Re: Thr truth about Rotacak and his 'Projects'
« on: March 30, 2018, 09:23:25 PM »
I was relating to this

And now I have to apologize, but I need to go. Yesterday I was implementing player counts into server browser but I have problems with compiling plugin used for it. I ended in 6 hours at morning and plugin still not compile. And instead of solving it I writing these words here just to explain that for someone is free game too expesive.

That's why i posted it here x3

Discussion / Re: Thr truth about Rotacak and his 'Projects'
« on: March 30, 2018, 09:06:04 PM »

Rotacak did it! We need to push this update live asap! This would help getiing people so much!

(or is it not what i thought? XD)

Discussion / Re: For those who would like to see development activity
« on: March 30, 2018, 11:40:10 AM »
There should be dump logs after crashing that creates automatically, then i could post it here easily.

Discussion / Re: For those who would like to see development activity
« on: March 30, 2018, 10:03:09 AM »
It's hard to post logs from crashes if server doesn't had a single one :p

Discussion / Re: Thr truth about Rotacak and his 'Projects'
« on: March 30, 2018, 01:05:27 AM »
Huh... is that really true?

Suggestions, ideas / Re: Pitin is OP
« on: March 28, 2018, 03:32:53 PM »
Yeah, but one accurate shot with shotgun, and pitin no longer exist xD it more depends on the skill of the Player than guessing if something is op.

Discussion / Re: Amazing Expiernce!
« on: March 28, 2018, 11:14:41 AM »
My VPS is from Aruba Cloud for 4PLN a month or 1USD in other currency. The best "server" is from Czech. So you can make very cheap and stable server by yourself. 70-80 ping is not that much.

Discussion / Re: Amazing Expiernce!
« on: March 28, 2018, 09:27:46 AM »
Maybe the server is stable because i have there an ssd and ssd swap. Anyway the code for the server must be somewhat write good enough to run smoothly. Speed test link here

Discussion / Amazing Expiernce!
« on: March 27, 2018, 11:34:00 PM »
I just finished a game on map called "boxfield". There was like 12/14 people on my server, in the beginnig of the game humans were destroying us. We barely manage to stage 2 defendig our base. While we were on the stage 2 humans actually get the stage 3. Then tryharding began, after a while we manage to get all kills to jump into stage 3... and then... then with enough evo we slowly began to wipe the human race out of this place. And finally we win the match. Without our grangers we would lose once, much sooner. This is what i wanted from this game and this is exactly what i get. Amazing job with the game! Keep it up! Btw. The server is pretty hmm... optimized? Im hosting my server on very small VPS 1GB ram 1 core etc. Have apache2 there and murnatan server. For EU, ping doesn't go above 100. Almost no lags and crashes. For sure I will continue to follow the fate of this game! :D

Regards ProPanek

News / Re: IndieGoGo campaign for future development
« on: March 26, 2018, 05:08:13 PM »
You should post this IndieGoGo campaign post on the update section in steam too!

Pages: [1]