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Messages - Blizz

Pages: [1]
Suggestions, ideas / Re: First impressions
« on: March 25, 2018, 01:19:04 PM »
1. Wallwalking too slow (on Trem you can set the type of speed you want)
2. Pounche against humans is pretty useless. The system is the same of Trem 1.2, but the range and the charge are stoned. This doesn't happens against aliens, because with pounche I killed more allies than enemies
3. Mass driver zoom -> ?????
4. Humans turrets are better from 1.1 than from 1.2, you should use that system
5. Please don't make a game with unlimited build points
6. The game is pretty slow, Trem was more dinamic.

This is a great opportunity, don't waste it doing a game like X or W servers.
Trem lived for the competitiveness, not for boring endless games.

News / Re: Murnatan will be free!
« on: April 20, 2017, 10:50:14 AM »

2) second popular question: When it will be released?
Release is planned to: 6/2017

But expect alpha version where some things can work not so good.

And in 12/2017 is planned to release in-game shop.

Where we can download the alpha version? On Steam?

Pages: [1]