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Messages - alavezz

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Worried
« on: March 14, 2018, 02:21:31 PM »
Good afternoon,

About get a minimum of people playing I think a good way would be try to contact and reactivate a part of the old tremulous communities. I could try to help with the Spanish tremulous community.

Discussion / TremSpain (ESP community)
« on: March 14, 2018, 02:15:19 PM »

Acea aquí! Recordé la comunidad TremSpain, llegó a ser una comunidad grande (hice algunos amigos allí y disfruté mucho de aquello). Cuando el juego Murnatan se libere en pre-alfa puedo/podemos intentar contactar con la antigua comunidad española de Tremulus y reactivar TremSpain.

Aunque hay una lista de correo con muchos de los antiguos jugadores propongo que todo aquel que perteneciera/jugara en TremSpain y todo aquel que quiera unirse responda a este post: iremos creando una lista y el día del lanzamiento podremos quedar para jugar todos de nuevo y, por que no, reactivar la comunidad.

TremSpain reactivation list:
- Acea

**************** ENGLISH VERSION ********************

Acea here! I Remembered TremSpain community, it became a big community (made some friends there and enjoyed a lot playing there). When Murnatan game become released in pre-alpha I/we can try to contact with the old Tremulus Spanish community and reactivated it :).

Although there is a mailing list with many of the old players, I propose that everyone who belongs / plays in TremSpain and everyone who wants to join respond to this post: we will create a list and the day of the release we will be able to play all of them again and , why not, reactivate the community.

TremSpain reactivation list:
- Acea

Has my sword!

News / Re: Development continues...
« on: December 01, 2015, 09:26:26 PM »
Nice to ear that! best wishes for you guys :)

Discussion / Re: Dev Activity
« on: March 26, 2014, 09:45:59 AM »
I think it was a good idea, the first time I enter here I was like "Not sure if they are still working in the game or if it was abandoned".

Nice job :)

Just thinking could be very funny and open a lot of possibilities if the advanced grangers could dig / drill holes / passages on places of the map. I know it sounds crazy, but the amount of things that could be done.
To limit this maybe you could create 3D areas on the map where it was possible (areas of sand, wood, etc) and areas where no (metal, stone). Perhaps could be used as a 3rd evolution of grangers only accessible in lategame where aliens could acquire a other strategy against humans (a backdoor in their base)

I can imagine how aliens could create deep hives with numerous passageways dug in soil or wood (as I say, this could be controlled by assigning a limited area in 3D on the map where you could dig). This would give a new level to that of "building a base" (imagine a map where aliens start in front of a wood wall, and they need start do dig in the start of the game for have fast a safe base)

I suppose this is complicate of implement, but anyway I expose it. If just little areas were available for dig it could also we awesome.

PD: Apologizes for my English, it is not my native language.

Discussion / Re: How are things going?
« on: January 01, 2014, 10:03:20 PM »
Just wanted to show my support for you to develop this game :).

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