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News / Re: Plushy alien for sale - sold out
« Last post by Rotacak on January 10, 2022, 07:40:05 PM »
I remmeber when I got my brother to buy one for my birthday, he was like "This is a really suspicious address, from AAA in the czech republic, are you really sure about this?" XD

Hehe :)

I have a tremendous amount of respect for the devs of this game for working on something they were passionate about. And the plushy is just awesome. I was just now looking at it and imagining it making granger noises. What a cool piece of memorabilia to remind me of the thousands of hours I spent in my pre-teen/teen days playing Tremulous. Thanks again.

Thanks for your nice words.
News / Re: Plushy alien for sale - sold out
« Last post by voth on January 09, 2022, 05:20:55 PM »
I have a tremendous amount of respect for the devs of this game for working on something they were passionate about. And the plushy is just awesome. I was just now looking at it and imagining it making granger noises. What a cool piece of memorabilia to remind me of the thousands of hours I spent in my pre-teen/teen days playing Tremulous. Thanks again.
Discussion / Re: Any hope?
« Last post by Rotacak on January 25, 2021, 11:12:56 AM »
How much money I invested into Murnatan will tell you nothing. It was 1 500 000,- kč - it is 69 858 USD. For someone from America it would be nothing. For me in Czech Republic it is too much. I never had such money on my bank account. My maximum on my bank account was commonly about 50 000,- kč. To have such money for game was possible only because I got good work (paid right about 50k monthly) and I spent all to my team. Over day I was working in the work then I come home and work on the game until night.

If you imagine that we was working 4-5 years with that money as a team, then it is something unbelievable.

I never like NS2. For the first look it looks similar, but it is quite different game.

About furry models - In the final Murnatan version will be possible to mod the game and replace aliens, weapons, sound to what you want - so even to the Tremulous models (prepared for Unreal Engine). Aliens visual is not the problem. Problem is that there is no AI bots. AI bots are not there because it take time to create them - do too much changes, upgrade to recent UE version and that is complicated. Probably would be better to rewrite game from C++ to Blueprints only, because I do not know C++ and I cannot pay to anyone. And that will take time and time are money and I do not have money.

it's not that difficult to implement quake engine style air physics into other game engines
Actually it is difficult. If you want to have similar behaviour like in Q3 engine, then almost everything is problem. Speeds, sizes, collisions.

But something you can do as a start is an alternative to the forums: Who uses simple machine style forums in this day and age? Discord is a common solution, although there are quite a number of downfalls with it including the 100 server limit, but it's great for pick-up-game bots. If you ever do create a discord server and need help managing it, let me know.
We have discord. But that is only chat. Current social networks works only for this moment. Everything older is forgotten and cannot be found. Forum like this is organized and contains everything easilly searchable thanks to topics.
Discussion / Re: Any hope?
« Last post by ViruS on January 24, 2021, 05:58:35 AM »
I'm really curious considering you  sold your house and all, how much money did you sink into this project and the company? If I was in your position I would've given up there and there. I'm sure there are still ways around this without having to invest as much money (A common place to advertise are lower-end youtubers these days for example) or to literally invade other games through indirect means.

A while back I kinda recreated some of the essense gameplay of tremulous into natural selection 2 and somehow it got featured in an official tournament. Unfortunately I was never trained in programming so I literally learnt through trial and error, so something as simple as implementing knockback to a grenade launcher took me about 3 weeks to figure out. I also had recreated a 99% copy of ATCS (It's missing a few features like a few decorative pillars) but unfortunately people think it looks too bland (of course) and the map a bit small (the standard is 15 seconds of walking between resource nodes but in this map it was about 8 seconds). Included with the package are floating tutorial panels in the waiting room with a link to the original tremulous home page, successor projects such as T2/Murnatan and Unvanquished, and installation manuals (because we all know that vanilla tremulous was pretty shite)

NS2's kinda dying too at this point, it is an old game and optimisation went down the drain recently, so it isn't the best game to do advertising style modding. But who knows, with some good publicity and the implementation of filler bots to murnatan, murnatan can ressurect.

A major dissatisfaction I listen to across private messages on discord and on youtube comments is that a lot of people dislike the alien "furry" models. It's not like the alien models are copyright and it was only the Tremulous 2 title that was denied as far as I know, so maybe we could possibly make a reversal, or improve upon the alien models too. In addition to this are the game physics, it's not that difficult to implement quake engine style air physics into other game engines,

but you chose to use the UE style air control physics which actually isn't too bad, it only made a small selection of people disgrunted since the tremulous community largely doesn't know how to strafe jump, but it can mess with things like air physics in what could be recreations of maps such as misson_one.

That all is a lot of work however, so it's mostly wishful thinking at this point. Maybe in the future if I have time I can start learning UE, I was recommended to learn it over unity because unlike unity, they actually have a comprehensible game manual, because unity's manual definition of torque physics spring body function calculations: Torque is torque. Literally unhelpful as it doesn't tell you how input becomes output at all.

I've kinda given up on game dev as a possible career at this point because I had figured it was too much work to learn all the niches of languages, along with a few disabilities I have that weren't recognised nor did I knew about until recently.

But something you can do as a start is an alternative to the forums: Who uses simple machine style forums in this day and age? Discord is a common solution, although there are quite a number of downfalls with it including the 100 server limit, but it's great for pick-up-game bots. If you ever do create a discord server and need help managing it, let me know.

News / Re: Plushy alien for sale - sold out
« Last post by ViruS on January 24, 2021, 05:28:09 AM »
I remmeber when I got my brother to buy one for my birthday, he was like "This is a really suspicious address, from AAA in the czech republic, are you really sure about this?" XD

edit: That pdf i was viewing at the time is a great addition to the plushies: [PDF of trapper model] but the funny thing is that [quote from the owner of Aussie Assault:] "Has more polys than the actual tremulous trapper model"
Discussion / Game Session: Old Tremulous
« Last post by Canki on December 08, 2020, 06:45:48 PM »
Hey all,

I'm not sure if anyone uses this forum at all... But we decided to get together and play Tremulous for a bit:) There is actually a server that usually has a decent number of players on it. But for this session, we will be running our own server (with more build points, etc., because default is boring) and it would be great if more of you could join.

If anyone's interested, we'll be playing this Friday, 11th December, at some point in the evening (European time).
News / Re: Plushy alien for sale - 2 last pieces
« Last post by Muffin on October 15, 2020, 04:36:05 PM »
Thanks, ill look into it now
News / Re: Plushy alien for sale - sold out
« Last post by Rotacak on October 12, 2020, 04:46:06 PM »
Awesome, lemme know if any do come out.
Two more are for sale, if you want, you can order it
News / Re: Plushy alien for sale - sold out
« Last post by Muffin on October 04, 2020, 03:56:18 PM »
Awesome, lemme know if any do come out.
News / Re: Plushy alien for sale - sold out
« Last post by Rotacak on October 04, 2020, 08:30:29 AM »
No, but I think I found another one in the next box. I will check it and maybe one will be avaiable.
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