Author Topic: Funvideo#2: Underwater explosion  (Read 3949 times)

Offline Rotacak on: August 25, 2013, 07:06:24 PM

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Read rules first.

„Underwater explosion“ is name of our second fun video. It will ensure you we don't satisfy just with normal sounds in the game. We need real sounds with good quality sound effects and we will do anything to get them.

Link to video

Reply to this post with your tips.

Example (mistakes):
Time 00:33 – missing window

Example (questions):
Question 08 – dunno

« Last Edit: June 10, 2014, 06:57:21 PM by Rotacak »

Offline MegaMedic #1 on: August 26, 2013, 06:48:37 PM

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Hei. First I want to say, nice video. I really like how sound effects are make. Some people record sound effects with microphone bought with 3 dolars xD. I would like to make a lot of sound effects but I don't have money lol. Hope you guys going well with Murnatan.

Okay, so now Mistakes:

Mistake #1

At the end of video this barrel is turned upside down.


Mistake #2

In first image a hand drop the firework, and in second another hand. Also it was already droped in first image.

+ How you recorded in first image? You put camera on barrel with water?


Mistake #3

In first image all water gone and in second it appearead, after that guy came back from car


Mistake #4

His shirt image is inside out. That 333 is turned to left.


Mistake #5

This thing from left image. I don't know what is, but is in video


Mistake #6

Maybe it's from camera but maybe it's a special effect


Mistake #7

In first image he parked his car close to a white car and in second image, white car gone


Mistake #8

I'm not so good at cars because I don't have one, but isn't the marked button, to unlock the car?


Mistake #9

A red light like in developing video?


Mistake #10

Another effect on video or just from camera?


Mistake #11

In first image he was there, and in he second he looks like he just arrived there with car

That's all for a moment. You made a nice video like first one. I have big respect for this. You should be a regisor or something :P

Offline Rotacak #2 on: September 02, 2013, 08:59:49 PM

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1) No.

2) No. I mean yes, but it is counted as "effect" :) How we recorded it you will see in behind the scenes video (but it will be released after beta).

3) No. We filled it again, it is not real time video :)

4) Yes.

5) No. It is shoulder.

6) No. Probably youtube artefact.

7) Yes.

8) No. You have right, that button will unlock car, but button below will unlock only trunk.

9) No. That is too far away, it is sun effect.

10) No. Sun effect too.

11) No. He could make it into car :)

Offline MegaMedic #3 on: February 02, 2014, 11:41:46 PM

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I continue with more mistakes:

Mistake #12:

At 1:14 there is less water in barrel and at 1:18 more water + at more parts of the video.

Mistake #13:

At 2:12 before explosion you can hear a weird sound like "uhhh" xD

Um I can't find anything more. There are other mistakes remained? How many?

Offline Rotacak #4 on: February 04, 2014, 10:47:21 AM

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At 1:14 there is less water in barrel and at 1:18 more water + at more parts of the video.
Yes, in different parts of video are different water levels.

At 2:12 before explosion you can hear a weird sound like "uhhh" xD
Lol. No :)

And yes, there is more mistakes :) I will count them.

Offline MegaMedic #5 on: February 04, 2014, 12:13:18 PM

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Mistake #14

So the hose from Rotacak's hand is orange and the hose from pump is green.
Also here can be +1 more mistake (2/1): The hose from pump is not going to Rotacak's direction, so it's going up to the building

Mistake #15

When he's turning the pump on at 0:13, wasn't that on already? From on he turned to off and the water came.

Mistake #16

Lighter in right hand and then in left hand

Offline Rotacak #6 on: April 20, 2014, 11:38:47 PM

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14) That is true, but green can be connected to orange in middle way, actually it was really like that
15) No, it is on when it is along with hose
16) Yes, but that is because left screen is mirrored

Offline Loki #7 on: April 21, 2014, 10:39:52 AM

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congrats to megamedic :o)

Offline imp #8 on: April 22, 2014, 05:50:23 PM

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Offline MegaMedic #9 on: May 08, 2014, 08:14:09 PM

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Okay, so I won't give up until I don't find all mistakes. After I will find everything, I will move on to FunVideo #3.

Alright, so:

Mistake #17

As you can see from images, I started from right to left, but doesn't matter.

At 0:48 there are some plywood, and at 1:07, they gone. (I'm not sure how that things is called, but please tell me, because maybe I will learn a new word in English)

Mistake #18

Alright, so at this mistake I wanna show about the shadow from the guy, and maybe his microphone

As you can see, in first photo, at 1:34, the camera is more down than in the photo from 1:41, but if I'm thinking, you still can see the guy's shadow and microphone somehow. Well, it's a small procent, but it can be a mistake.

Mistake #19

In this mistake is about sound engineer's shoes, which is changed. As you can see, on minute 1:04 he wears sandals, and in minute 2:31, he wears sneakers.

Mistake #20

So as you can see, at 0:11, Rotacak holds the hose, and at 0:19, the hose is down. Thinking at video's logic, this can be a mistake, but thinking at real life, you can actually go away until the barrel fill up full, this taking some minutes.

Mistake #21

In 1:01, the bottom from microphone is in his left part, and at 1:03, in his right part, going to back.

I watched at this video 500-1000 times, and still watching it, same for "Developing games on RCZ", because it's such a nice video(s).

Rotacak, when I found all mistakes, please tell me when is done, so I can jump to funvideo #3 :)

Offline Rotacak #10 on: June 10, 2014, 05:54:08 PM

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17) no, it is just little different camera angle where from it is not vissible

18) yes, microphone guy + microphone should be on screen with explosions (or atleast microphone should be vissible)

19) yes

20) no. "you can actually go away until the barrel fill up full" is correct :)

21) yes

Well, you found all mistakes and even some brand new, like 2 and 21 :)

Offline MegaMedic #11 on: June 10, 2014, 05:59:17 PM

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Alright. I'll jump to Funvideo#3 :D