1. "Air control". In vanilla q3 (q1 and q2 too btw) and CPM you could do a significant "course correction" while flying (say from a rocketjump). Any significant changes from 1.2?
2. Dodge?
3. Pushing teammates out of the way ("stand too long over a node/egg and you get pushed" - like)?
4. If non-ubp server is planned I humbly beg (else won't pay and will pirate the game out of spite
) for "/designate builder" and "/denybuild" votes to have more "weight" when top 2-3 teamplayers vote f1/f2.
5. I understand that no "Ranks" are planned but check this out:
This is FreeAllegiance Lobby:
We have 3 teams, one Blue, one Yellow, one Gray.
The Grays are players who are in Lobby, but didn't join the match (btw, they can talk with people that are playing, but they see this lobby only).
Notice their names have two numbers on them one before - one after the rank name. The second one is irrelevant and I never got to ask what's it for.
The first number is player rank calculated from his kills/score ingame. Therefore "gudari" is rank 10, "Hunter@PK" is 15 (think "between Ams an Meisselli").
Each team has 8 players. Their ranks are added. Yellow has 62, Blue has 45, Gray has 85. Blue is less skilled.
Each match can have the settings adjusted and for example there can be:
- "autojoin" - nobrainer
- "difference no-bigger than x" - players can join only the weaker team untill "x" is matched.
So, sure all 5 UBA are in humans, but playing versus 15 aliens.
Now the rank in FreeAlleg did nothing besides showing the skills in a measurable way. But it did help to balance the teams, for it was often to see "more ppl to red team" and so on.