Author Topic: Thr truth about Rotacak and his 'Projects'  (Read 4342 times)

Offline UnnamedPlayer on: March 30, 2018, 12:25:07 AM

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Hello Players!
So i came along this game and checked it out. While doing that i read this on the very first menu:

Apart from all that whining and that you the player owe him a living he stated that:

1. They had only shitty equipment and therefore it was hard for them to develop this 'game'.
2. They couldn't buy any software because NO MONEY!
3. They had nearly no money for a living and that even a BEGGAR had more MONEY then they had. (lol)
4. Rotacak had no money for himself (whatever that means).

Also he stated in other posts and chats that ROTACAK had to SELL his house
this house: (

So if you read to this point u think: well what a poor hero he is, making us a new trem. What a kind boy.
Furthermore it make sense that he tries to gain money via IndyGoGo (50.000$) to fund his 'game'.

BUTT if you just search his name on facebook, you will find his profil very quickly:
What you see there is that this guy BUILD HIMSELF A NEW HOUSE:

They even destroyed equipment for shits and fun in one of they videos (about having no money for equipment):

So what im asking here is: What the hell are you thinking who you are rotacak to ripoff players for your 'projects' spreading lies about the real situation and acting like players owe you something because you are such a POOR GUY.

I'm really dissapointed after all these years. I don't care about this new  'trem' anymore.
For me you are an E-BEGGING ASSCLOWN who dupes lots of fans for his own gains. Shame on you!

-old rcz player #nofananymore

Offline ProPanek #1 on: March 30, 2018, 01:05:27 AM

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Offline Machine Medic #2 on: March 30, 2018, 02:38:55 AM

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Huh... is that really true?


But look at the size of that old house.  Probably cost a fortune just in upkeep and taxes.  It's no wonder why someone would want to sell it and move into something smaller if they've got money problems.  [Assuming that it was in fact his house at some point, as opposed to an alternative explanation like a rented office space]

Besides.  What's wrong with taking out frustrations on depreciated equipment?  Not sure about that netbook, but the rest of it?  Who the *hell* uses CDs anymore?

It's not like anything shown above was ever secret.  A lot of these were posted on the top of the news section right around the time they were doing crowdfunding attempt #1 (that they eventually canceled due to copyright issues).  Must've been 2012 or 2013-ish.  I think they're all still up there if you look.

He's never asked for money inside the game, either.  In fact, the crowdfunding campaign hasn't been mentioned outside of this forum... at least not to my knowledge, anyways.  Maybe it's on Twitter or Facebook, but I don't use those.  The game is free ($0.00) to download and play. 

I think the OP is disappointed by the overall lack of stability and polish in the game as of release - and he/she is perfectly justified in feeling that way.  I don't think anyone could play it right now and not at least have some qualms about it's lack of finish and it's future in terms of a replacement for Tremulous.  I get that.  I've asked myself that.  I still ask myself that.  The truth?  I don't know.  I don't know whether the game will be successful or not.  The crowdfunding might flop and it could just get smoothed out into a roughly playable state and then put up on a shelf forever.  If that's the case, then damn.  But what else can you do?

Active theft though?  Maybe.  It's possible.  But why would he post [what is presumed to be] his new house on Facebook if he was trying to hide it?  Everyone's got to have a place to live.  Even if it's new construction, just look at it.  It's a 15x20 footing foundation with presumably an open first floor, single bathroom, and vaulted attic bedroom.  I doubt a bid would run more than $80k to build something like that in the US.  It's comfortable modesty by most standards.

It's not like his name was ever a secret either... it's attached along with his return address to each of the plush grangers when he mails them out.

I don't know.  I don't have any more sure answers than the next guy.  I'm just offering my thoughts.

Maybe someone else will have another perspective to offer.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2018, 04:22:37 AM by Machine Medic »
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Offline Prophet #3 on: March 30, 2018, 03:24:12 AM

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Damn, what a bad ass.  He had to sell his house to fund his game so he BUILT A NEW ONE HIMSELF.  Jesus, can you imagine?  Probably cut the logs himself.  All the architecture, design, plumbing, and other shit you need to do to build a house while developing a game at same time?  What a hero.

On a more serious note:  He's not charging to to play the game, just asking for donations.  There really is no harm in that.  If you don't want to support the project, just don't.  Personally, I would love to see a tremulousish game be successful, so anyone willing to put the hours in towards that has my support.  Tremulous? dead.  Unvanquished?  1.3?  Nothing there.  Licensing prevents any real sort of development.  You need money to make things work, that's how things work in the real world.  Tremulous died to to very open source license that gave birth to it.

I've already decided to contribute, but I haven't settled on how much yet.  As someone who wants to relive the old days, I'd say this project is the best damn chance we got.  If Murnatan doesn't at least get a little bit of traction, do you think any other developer would take a chance in building a game with the Tremulous experience?  Hell no.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2018, 04:12:47 AM by Prophet »

Offline Loki #4 on: March 30, 2018, 08:40:13 AM

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Your paranoid assumptions are not only ridiculous, they are idiotic, but you will not realize that because you are unable of self-reflection. Speaking of his new 'house' that doesn't look luxurious at all. You are one of those people who try to find any little thing you can consider negative and you turn it into a giant bubble.

With that long essay of paranoia and stupidity, you haven't told anything of value and I learned nothing new. I saw those videos and I saw his photos some years ago and I didn't jump into any conclusions nor would I start to think he was going to screw us over. Because that is impossible, and he knows it very well, he messaged me about the funding KNOWING he won't get much money and that after certain updates for the game, eventually he will have to find something else where he can gain money and after that he will continue in the development of this game.

The point is: You intentionally (or your own subconsciousness did it) misunderstood his message and deemed is as untrue because you fabricated your own false assumptions based on stories you connected in a truly retarded way. Looking at the way you constructed your sentences, it is clear to me.

If you're going to post again, let me guess what your 'argument' will be against me. 'FANBOY'. : ) ) ) if you call an objectively thinking person not suffering from paranoia a 'fanboy' then that's me

Let's start with his message in the game. He said he funded his team from his own money. That's quite true, they had no publisher and no investor afaik.
This is his PUBLIC facebook post you could see and Translate, but probably you either didn't find it or you didn't want them to see it.

1 mil. Crowns = 39 390 Euro

That's what he most likely spent at wages for his development team throughout those years. I am going to guess and say those were his wages when he worked, his savings, and perhaps even bank loans.

They had 'Tremulous 2' in an advanced stage when the license issues from DARKLEGION hit. Do you think Rotacak gave up? Not really. They continued on 'Murnatan'. Why would he do that? To get us all scammed by an indiegogo campaign he knows (i am not going to share his private messages here as it would be rude and shameless) won't be reached? The game is free now and he isn't gaining any money from it either.

You see, you aren't getting the full picture here. You aren't getting the full picture intentionally wherever you have the info - because you assume things and you twist them in your head, and unintentionally, because you lack the info.

I rest my case.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2018, 08:59:48 AM by Loki »

Offline Rotacak #5 on: March 30, 2018, 01:59:44 PM

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Hello Players!

Thank you for your investigative discovering public informations :) I don't get your point since game is free, but:

Everything what I said is true. I (actually me+my 70 years old mom) sold that house and took about 700 000 kč from whole price to developing. Then we live two years in sublet in third floor. Then when game was still not finished I had to make decision - continue with developing, finish game and hope it will be successfull? Or take a loan for 30 years and build new small house with only ground floor in quiet village where my mom can have garden and will be happy, instead of noisy smoky apartment.

I decided for small house. My mom will not be here forever but I can still develop Murnatan many years. At last I had to take another loan 300 000 kč for house because it was still not enough.

Other things:
I never said that any player owe me anything.

$ 50 000 is silly and funny amount. You clearly not understand that this is not profit. That is only something that can keep us alive without taking other jobs and only for that time when our devs are still willing to do it for that little salary. They can take (and also some of them took) common jobs and can have profit 10x more. I am surprised that some people can elaborate such detective essay but are incappable to google common devs salaries and do simple math.

I could just not to do Murnatan at all and I would had by one loan less and that $ 50 000 already in pocket. Can you explain me why I did Murnatan, spent together about $ 75 000 and then asked on indiegogo $ 50 000 to cheat you? I would like to know that logic.

About destroying equipment:
- notebook: old broken not working notebook that had only LCD and keyboard, nothing else (got from my brother).
- CD: I did not used them many years, I took out some original music, sold it and destroyed rest of them (mainly movies downloaded from internet in horrible resolution from Amiga computer times)
- Router: my first ADSL router, off course broken
- Keyboard: thinnest keyboard that I found somewhere. Trufully I don't remember where I got it.
- Cracked PC case by axe: from fully working nephew computer, he allowed us to damage it, then he put back components and went home
- Printer: my first cheapest shitty ink printer, you will buy color fills, print one page and next week are dry. I already had laser printer for long time
- Other equipment, like another printer, monitor, notebooks (macbook), psp etc. was borrowed from friends.

Oh, and that pencil was my own (and we consumed two of them).

But yes, some of things I bought, like office furniture. I spent on it all my savings, about 80 000 kč. And we never used it for developing Murnatan, because we was working remotely.

But to be fair, I can share my gains with you. And you do not need to do anything. Good offer, isn't? All that developing cost me about $75 000 (still, very very silly amount for 4 years and 5 devs). I have contracts for everything so I can document all. We will divide gains fairly 50:50, so you will send me $37 500 and we will be even. Deal?

And now I have to apologize, but I need to go. Yesterday I was implementing player counts into server browser but I have problems with compiling plugin used for it. I ended in 6 hours at morning and plugin still not compile. And instead of solving it I writing these words here just to explain that for someone is free game too expesive.

Offline Machine Medic #6 on: March 30, 2018, 04:14:18 PM

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Get some sleep!  6:00 in the morning!
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Offline ProPanek #7 on: March 30, 2018, 09:06:04 PM

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Rotacak did it! We need to push this update live asap! This would help getiing people so much!

(or is it not what i thought? XD)

Offline Loki #8 on: March 30, 2018, 09:13:39 PM

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i think you posted in the wrong topic :DDD dunno what that text means :D

Offline ProPanek #9 on: March 30, 2018, 09:23:25 PM

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I was relating to this

And now I have to apologize, but I need to go. Yesterday I was implementing player counts into server browser but I have problems with compiling plugin used for it. I ended in 6 hours at morning and plugin still not compile. And instead of solving it I writing these words here just to explain that for someone is free game too expesive.

That's why i posted it here x3

Offline Rotacak #10 on: March 30, 2018, 09:44:23 PM

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Actually this one Ypsylon did. I was working on different solution with same functionality and I finally finished it right now. Atleast compiling still running but it looks ok. So we have two solutions :)

Now I have to test it (if it will work in shipping build and if it will not reset after map change) and create api side, which is easy. And then finally can release new version.

Offline Loki #11 on: March 30, 2018, 10:53:21 PM

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Now I have to test it (if it will work in shipping build and if it will not reset after map change) and create api side, which is easy. And then finally can release new version.