Author Topic: Kickstarter rewards  (Read 6082 times)

Offline One.Oblivion #15 on: February 07, 2013, 09:48:58 PM

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yes thank god the pound is strong...sort of.

Offline Loki #16 on: February 07, 2013, 09:58:00 PM

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yes thank god the pound is strong...sort of.

y actual news says that philippineans cannot use pounds!

Offline ViruS #17 on: February 08, 2013, 03:02:11 PM

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I'm in Oustwaliya. We have good conversion r8s, shit ping (at least to the world), and a very low poverty ratio. But aye can't use the bloody money on da interwebs hence defeats purpous.
It's funny (No, not for me) how adding 5c to the price of a free game can reduce the player count. Check some steam games before and after becomming F2P...
Quote from: lamefun
Therefore, Tremulous 2 might have the future (or might not, since it isn't developed by a corporations, depends on what Global Government will decide), but Unvarnished doesn't.
Quote from: Khaoz
Sucks to be those Unvarnished guys.

Offline Gunther #18 on: February 11, 2013, 02:33:52 PM

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I'm in Oustwaliya. We have good conversion r8s, shit ping (at least to the world), and a very low poverty ratio. But aye can't use the bloody money on da interwebs hence defeats purpous.
It's funny (No, not for me) how adding 5c to the price of a free game can reduce the player count. Check some steam games before and after becomming F2P...

Check the community before and after, and the difference between those that paid because they like it, and those that play because it is there.
Now you see you don't...headshot

Offline #19 on: February 11, 2013, 03:52:24 PM

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shit ping (at least to the world)
You have 50 million sheep more than you have people. Take a guess who's lowering your pings. :)

Check the community before and after, and the difference between those that paid because they like it, and those that play because it is there.
5c to the price of a free game can reduce the player count
I'll have to check that out, mb some data is available (free vs paid usercount).
As for the paid only part:
Price won't matter in the long run. "Fun delivered" will. People are willing to pay $ per month for years to  play a game if the game is fun enough  even if the game is years old and haven't really changed that much since the beginning(WoW, EVE and probably many others).

Offline ViruS #20 on: February 12, 2013, 11:19:14 AM

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shit ping (at least to the world)
You have 50 million sheep more than you have people. Take a guess who's lowering your pings. :)
Check the community before and after, and the difference between those that paid because they like it, and those that play because it is there.
5c to the price of a free game can reduce the player count
I'll have to check that out, mb some data is available (free vs paid usercount).
As for the paid only part:
Price won't matter in the long run. "Fun delivered" will. People are willing to pay $ per month for years to  play a game if the game is fun enough  even if the game is years old and haven't really changed that much since the beginning(WoW, EVE and probably many others).
Sheep? Tha fuck? I think you mean New Zealand. In Australia, the only animals [excl. insects] that can live in the wild are cane toads (pest), rabbits and the native animals amongst some other ones i can't think of now. If sheep were to go wild, they'd die within at least a week from heat stroke, starvation, thirst etc etc. We don't have much of a wild grass, just those thin, tall and dry ones, and of course, weeds for our backyards. I remembered one grew taller than me. It was about 2 meters tall (~7 feet for americans)
FYI right now, in this room I'm typing in, it's 28 Celcius. Outside it is 37 celcius. Thank goodness for the invention of air conditioning. I'm in the west, particularly the most isolated city in the world (from other cities) so it's fairly quite where I am, unlike the north east:

Quote 2: I can draw a graph relating to economics. First it starts off high as a free, then drops by about half upon putting a price, then slowly decreases through erm.. whatever you call y = k/x + c.

Paying per month: Most people that I know that play WoW and such that require users to pay monthly do so illegally through some sort of hack. Another related thing: Out of how many people here (excluding japanese people, they support their traditions) watch anime, actually buy the disks in comparison to those who use torrents/downloading sites?
Quote from: lamefun
Therefore, Tremulous 2 might have the future (or might not, since it isn't developed by a corporations, depends on what Global Government will decide), but Unvarnished doesn't.
Quote from: Khaoz
Sucks to be those Unvarnished guys.

Offline #21 on: February 14, 2013, 03:42:06 PM

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Quote from: Virus
Quote 2: I can draw a graph relating to economics. First it starts off high as a free, then drops by about half upon putting a price, then slowly decreases through erm.. whatever you call y = k/x + c.
This is your OPINION not a fact based on actual data.

Most people that I know that play WoW and such that require users to pay monthly do so illegally through some sort of hack
Provide a proof from the "most people you know". Especially whan you're talking about WoW.

Quote from: grmg
I'll have to check that out, mb some data is available (free vs paid usercount).
0. This is mostly done for my amusement and positive expectation about the amount of people playing T2.
1. I don't know if it is appropriate to post it this thread/section, move if necessary.
2. This is speculative, based on little data available to me. This is speculation, not a hard data.
3. For some reason NS2 sales stats are nowhere to be found, even tho most for games released in fall 2012/January 2013 there are at least some stats.

Anyway, lets speculate (!) about NS2:
The game is being sold for 3+months now (oct 31st). First week - 140 000 copies. No tother data :/.
Lets assume that the hype was high, people were hooked and in the other 3 weeks they again bought 3x 140 000 copies. We now go to December, Lets be overly optimistic and assume the sales go down 25% every week. 105 000. 80 000. 60 000 45 000. Lets Go to january 2013. The sales go down 50% every week.  22 000. 11 000. 5000. 2000.

Total: 890 000 + copies sold. I say its total bull (I assume "if the big news was 140 000 in the first week, where is the rest of the big news about NS2 sales"). 250 000 - 300 000 copies were sold IMO
That means 250 000 players right?  Well, lets go over
From the half of Nov 2012, the approximate number of players/day is 750-1500. Lets assume 1100/day.
Dec 2012: same like Nov, but we cut out Christmas holidays. 1100/day.
Jan 2013: besides some spikes - 1500-2000/day. Assume 1700/day.

Assuming, these are different people every time (total bull ofc) we get 30x1100+1x1700=84 000 players. Thats just above half of the first week sales. Where's the other half? Where are the people who bought NS2 after the first week?

Anyway, people WILL buy the game even if it is 25$ per copy. Ofc marketing applies, but that's another philosophical discussion.