Author Topic: Funvideo#3: Everything on half  (Read 4260 times)

Offline Rotacak on: August 25, 2013, 07:09:20 PM

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Read rules first.

This is the third and last fun video. The story is about showing what it means for us that the table was supposted to be halved, not all together. So both participants will start demonstrate and ensure themselves what "halved" means, until it ends ... bad.

Link to video

Reply to this post with your tips.

Example (mistakes):
Time 00:33 – missing window

« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 10:14:38 PM by Rotacak »

Offline Loki #1 on: August 25, 2013, 08:18:48 PM

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the funniest video from devs I've ever seen, this is worth sharing everywhere!

Offline Weed #2 on: August 26, 2013, 03:18:52 PM

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Offline MegaMedic #3 on: August 27, 2013, 03:35:54 AM

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Mistake #1

Alright so, in first image, laptop had a image, and when he turned his head on left, image gone.


Mistake #2

In second image from above ^ , in video is writed "split" and in english caption "spit"


Mistake #3

There was a laptop, and changed with that 2 monitors

Mistake #4

In first image, plug was cut and in second is not cut

Mistake #5

In first image there it's scrissors, in second not.

Also, in both images plugs are in different way.

Mistake #6

In first image he was going to throw that hammer with that part, and in second is throwed with  other part

Mistake #7

No plant, then plant

Just this for a moment.

Offline Weed #4 on: August 27, 2013, 08:59:47 AM

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Wow MegaMedic this is nice, why you don't become a movie scripter? :p

Offline Rotacak #5 on: September 02, 2013, 08:50:26 PM

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1) No. That is ok, he hid it :)

2) Yes. That is really mistake.

3) No. There is still laptop + monitors, just different angle.

4) No. It just looks like it is undamaged, but it is not true.

5) Yes.

6) Yes.

7) Well, true but... :)

Offline MegaMedic #6 on: August 04, 2014, 03:29:19 PM

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Okay so I already posted some mistakes, but I wanna start over, because...I don't know. It's like: "I want to take a shower because I'm too dirty". I don't know. So  I will start over:

Mistake #1

In the first mistake we have second 0:03. As you can see, laptop screen is black, so you can see the reflection. To be honest, the monitor is on Logicry's front, but that's not his reflection. Actually that's Rotacak's reflection from his black t-shirt. Logicry wears a SHIRT and is also WHITE which have a big prove.

Mistake #2

0:07 - Logicry took the pen from you, which was black, and when he breaks it, it's gray.

Mistake #3

Alright, so in this mistake maybe we can have 3/1.

First of all, I already mentioned the part with internet cable. It was cut and after that is not cut.

Then, if you take a look at the cable positions, first time you see black cable in fist place. Next image you see the black cable in second place, which can be a mistake.

And at least, the plant is gone. First time there was a plant, then it dissapeard.

Mistake #4

Alright, so about the hammer, I already mentioned about the wrong side.
Now I discovered that the router was hit from left (0:38) and at 0:40 the hammer position is in front.
Also, I want to mention again the dissapeard-appear plant.

Mistake #5

At 0:45 the laptop is open and at 0:48 is lying down.

Mistake #6

I don't know if you guys tried to change the clock or not, but this could be a mistake (I can confirm the clock time from all along video if is necessary)

Mistake #7

Okay, so in both images I think that the hammer have a different positions:

Mistake #8

In this mistake, the keyboard was moved and is having a different positions

Mistake #9

Okay, so this situation is a bit complicated, but I'll try to explain it:
When he gets the CPU, there are all pluggins on it. After that there is one plug for CPU. The others is gone or did he unplugged it?
That CPU was connected with those monitors (Trem 2's logo), so that's why monitors went to black.

Mistake #10

1:05 - he took the CPU and destroyed it. At 1:42 - The CPU is right there, with all plugs on it:

Mistake #11

Monitor closed / Monitor on. The image will explain it better;

Mistake #12

Laptop / No laptop (or maybe it's closed)

Mistake #13

I'm not really sure about this one but maybe it could be a mistake.
So at 0:03 monitor is open and at 1:16 is closed. Can't know if true or not because if you let a computer without touching it for a period of time, it will go in black screen...soo...But maybe could be a mistake

That's everything I found for a moment. After all those mistakes, please tell me if there are still remaing, so I can continue to serach.

Offline Loki #7 on: August 06, 2014, 09:50:35 AM

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MegaMedic it's like as if you had a day with 48 hours  :D

Offline MegaMedic #8 on: August 22, 2014, 12:34:30 PM

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MegaMedic it's like as if you had a day with 48 hours  :D

Yeah man, I promised that I'll do all mistakes from funvideo. This is more fun than do your homeworks.

Offline Rotacak #9 on: October 22, 2014, 10:35:50 PM

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1) no, that is normal
2) yes (he breaks original one when we just tried it, so he had to use different one :) )
3) black cable yes
4) hammer and plant yes
5) yes
6) yes
7) no, it is same
8) no, 20 sec later it can be moved by various ways
9) yes
10) no, that is another computer
11) yes
12) yes
13) yes, but is same as 11

And yes, there is more mistakes (6).