Author Topic: Votes  (Read 3698 times)

Offline MegaMedic on: July 11, 2014, 01:13:37 AM

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Sometimes, votes from Tremulous are bothering me. I mean, I get mute or kick for shitty reasons, from players. Sometimes is with reason, sometimes shitty reasons like "fag", "stfu", "idiot" etc...

I'm thinking that this /callvote of mute is useless. I mean, I need to speak with my team, but other shits from Spectator, which are not playing, are callvote mute me.

Do you think that we can do something with this don't know...only admin can mute? At least, you can !ignore if you don't like a player, so I see this 'mute' just a way to revenge on players...Sometimes same for kick...

Offline Loki #1 on: July 11, 2014, 09:44:10 AM

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Just because a few people abuse it, it doesn't automatically mean we should let the 'callvote mute' get abolished. That's just nonsense.

Stupidity is in human nature.

There are always admins and logs that show whether the person abused the callvote or not. Afterwards there's a ban if he proves guilty.

Offline Machine Medic #2 on: July 11, 2014, 11:58:42 PM

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Although there is the potential for abuse, players on any given server still need to be able to deal with problematic players without the assistance of server owners or moderators.

Otherwise the trolls will have a field day any time one of us isn't on.
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Offline MegaMedic #3 on: July 12, 2014, 12:44:33 AM

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Also admins...tired of shitty admins which abusing, and server is not doing nothing to warn them...For example: AA - Shitty 1,1's server

Hope there will be Official Servers on MurnataN

Offline Machine Medic #4 on: July 12, 2014, 07:49:47 AM

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tired of shitty admins which abusing, and server is not doing nothing to warn them

And that is one of the reasons Contra Clan continues to exist.

We don't tolerate bullshit like that.

We do not distribute 'admin powers'.  We do not allow troublemakers to persist on our servers.  We absolutely do not put up with abuse of power (beyond benevolent fun).

We do not believe in punishing trolls, flamers, griefers, or abusers.  We believe in solving the problem in the fastest and most efficient way possible - by getting rid of them quickly and permanently

...I've been nicknamed the 'Banhammer' co-leader for a reason, lol.

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Offline Loki #5 on: July 13, 2014, 04:26:34 PM

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There will ALWAYS be admins abusing their power. The same with common people abusing their rights to vote on servers.

It's so simple that I wonder why you have created such a thread.

Offline Rotacak #6 on: July 15, 2014, 09:25:19 PM

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"Only admin can mute" is too bad when there is no admin online. Players need to have power to clean that mess too. But definitely there are some ways how to improve it.

Offline MegaMedic #7 on: July 15, 2014, 10:51:11 PM

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"Only admin can mute" is too bad when there is no admin online. Players need to have power to clean that mess too. But definitely there are some ways how to improve it.

Rotacak, hope you can improve it.
In AA, from 1.1 server, I was getting mute by a group of clan, which all was pressing F1. Actually there were mute me for their fun, so this is stupid...

I don't know how can improve it, but hope you gonna do something about votes. Also, you should make a permanent command in MurnataN, which you can see who's pressing F1 and how was in RCZ...
Example: "MegaMedic voted yes"

Offline Machine Medic #8 on: July 16, 2014, 12:00:49 AM

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It is definitely not an easy task figuring out a way to maintain server justice when the moral compasses of the servers are gone.

The most effective way is probably to simply attract the most desirable player-base possible to a server in hopes of leveling the balance between decent players and troublemakers.

One can literally 'tune' the player-base and thus behavior of a server population simply by weeding out the people you do not want.  I.E. artificial selection.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 12:05:10 AM by Machine Medic »
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Offline #9 on: July 16, 2014, 09:52:55 AM

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1. The only reason mute votes are still in Trem is that nobody figured out a way to remove ignored player's chat from console. And that annoying chat sound.
2. As simple as that /ignore xyz and we're done, no voting needed.
3. Muting should be reserved for admins and I mean serious admins like Muff, Iltavuo, Nod and few others.

One can literally 'tune' the player-base and thus behaviour of a server population simply by weeding out the people you do not want.
So artificial, so weak, so fear based. In Trem there are only few rules that should be enforced: no decon, no tks, no bleed, no spam (chat, weapon, random rets). Rest should be open season for everyone. Diversity makes things fun.

Offline Machine Medic #10 on: July 16, 2014, 02:31:17 PM

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Rest should be open season for everyone. Diversity makes things fun.

Pardon me if I'm not enticed by the idea of having more Lettard servers in Murnatan.  We all know how stupid and hostile the players on X, W, AA, Z, and BB typically are.

You are free to run your own server however you please, but we will not tolerate malicious or hostile players on our server(s).  They will get two warnings before a ban for a length of either 99 days (3 months) or 999 days (2.7 years) at the sole discretion of the leadership, provided it is within the limits of our constitution.

We have rarely tolerated problematic players in the past, and our regular players have historically thanked us for getting rid of them.

So artificial, so weak, so fear based

Not necessarily weak.

But extraordinarily effective nonetheless.

If trolls, flamers, and other generally undesirable players are scared off or deterred by the speed and readiness with which we are prepared to retaliate, then that's just more power to us.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 03:36:18 PM by Machine Medic »
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Offline MegaMedic #11 on: July 23, 2014, 11:19:52 AM

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Okay, so I tought at an idea so we can apply for this.

I was actually playing Garry's Mod in Jailbreak mode, and there was something like this:
New players, noobs, idiots can't vote. If you want to vote, you need to have like 20 hours played, and then you need to apply on their forum for a status like "member". If you gonna apply for this, you can vote. It's like an admin application, but this is something really good.
I also seen an example. A guy abused with his vote and he got permban from server.
You guys gonna ask: what if not any "member" is gonna be online, when something bad happens? Well, we can get as many as can, asking on application when they can be online, and how many hours. If it's happen for no one to be online, then it's happen.

So what do you think at this solution? I think is a good one. Not every idiot/noob can votekick someone if he was killed, not every idiot/noob can votemute someone just for fun.
I don't think so that every server from MurnataN could do this, but it would be cool for official MurnataN's servers.

Offline Rotacak #12 on: July 23, 2014, 12:05:08 PM

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I am not sure if it will help much. I think that with this solution good player cannot be kicked by noobs, that is ok. But also noob can do bad things and cannot be kicked - he will ruin games for all players. Also, noob can play 20 hours and then he can terrorize other low-hour players, they will have no chance to defend selfs.

When no admins are online then players need to solve problems by smarter majority.

Gaining status "member" after admins acception is something like admin application and player become small admin. This would be too complicated for common players (doing applications - even when it is simple, it is work for player) and too much work for admins - checking who requiring to be "member" and adding him rights or no.

I think that better would be something like player rating by players. Low rating = you cannot vote kick. Or something like that. But that will not solve behavior of new players.

Anyway, option like that is no problem to implemet. We can do it and leave it to server owners if they will want to enable it or no.

Offline Machine Medic #13 on: July 23, 2014, 03:55:33 PM

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If you want to vote, you need to have like 20 hours played, and then you need to apply on their forum for a status like "member". If you gonna apply for this, you can vote. It's like an admin application, but this is something really good.

I can completely understand where Rotacak might not be in the right position to implement a system like this for the official servers, being busy with the development of the game, financing, troubleshooting, etc.  I suppose there could also be a lot of in-game political implications as well if AAA were to decide who got to vote, and who didn't, etc.

As far as clan involvement with this system though, I think it has potential to be effective.  As clan leaders, we already decide who gets into our clan, keep our members in line, and kick those who break our rules or abuse their privileges.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 03:57:25 PM by Machine Medic »
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Offline #14 on: July 23, 2014, 05:16:56 PM

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I think that better would be something like player rating by players.
Extremely bad idea. Go look at YE or NE. A clique of few players can up-vote themselves forever and down-vote anyone who's not a "follower".  Look at the forum +/- values.

Karma: +9/-2 Machine-omg-control everything to be safe. -2, not from me I think and I honestly can't stand his woldviews
Karma: +11/-3 Rota, a guy who decided to make a Titan's work with T2. -3 for what?
Karma: +1/-4 Mega, can't really say anything negative about him. -4 for what?
Karma: +4/-4 grmg, if not for a "not gonna say what needs to be said untill sales settle" I would text-rip through Machine long time ago, -4

 7  WTF
 8  is
-3  this
 0  stuff?

I can live with 0, I can live with any number anyway, since I don't care. You have rough Idea what I'm capable of. Both ways :D
Mega - had not done anything bad - already in negatives? I would understand myself in negatives. But him? For what anyway?
Machine - 7, a point less than Rota. Seriusly, if you Rota are developing this game you get be applauded, but what did Machine do to be equal in numbers? Not a strong opinion, not a constructive idea, not the most experienced, hasn't done anything ingame bad or good.

Now imagine this ingame, where drama is plenty and occurs in realtime. It has nothing to do with "hey if I upvote him games will be cooler" and everything with "I like him so I'm gonna upvote, regardess of what king of player he is".

Stick with  /ignore on individual level and /register+admin action.