Author Topic: Suggestions and Critics from a Trem fan  (Read 2470 times)

Offline Draikonz on: March 29, 2018, 04:19:11 AM

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    Hey there, I want to tell you congratulation for making this game, as much as I like the idea, as much as I know there is a lot of work to do to get this game fully alive and playable.

    Things to work on :

    • The way the the controls feels like
    It feels like there is something wrong with the controls, it's not fluid enough and the game-play is not fast enough. Aliens feels like they're retardly slow and difficult to control, I know that we get used to it after a couple of game, but it just doesn't feel like the user is in control of the character, it seems like there is some kind of input lag or an after delay of some kind.

    • The hit boxes
    I think you're aware that the alien hit boxes are not on point, the models are not my style too, why fury animals when you could have made some scary monsters. I don't know if you plan to keep all these models but I don't feel like these models reflect the typical "aliens".

    • Nartabucker wall jump and speed is retarded
    Since the game is not running on Quake engine, the acceleration is awful which makes the controls difficult to deal with, the humans sprints and accelerate faster than Nartabucker, the walljump is not of much use honestly since it's too slow in my opinion.

    • Nartabucker lightning attack
    What does it do, TBH I don't find any use of it, it sucks.

    • Pum's pounce
    It just doesn't feel right, it's difficult to track human with the pounce because humans are faster... and I don't know how the pounce damage works but it does not trigger unless human is retarded and doesn't move.

    • Plasma gun
    I don't like it and it feels laggy to me, don't see the point of using it

    • Every kind of secondary actions
    Like wallwalk, gravitational flying, Hellslayer's charge, pounce, tyrant's charge etc... it lags and glitches, the controls are not swift enough to be user friendly and intuitive and fun to use, it feels clunky and unpleasant to some extent.

    • Mur flying speed
    I don't think it's fast enough, but i like the idea of this alien

    • Map limits that reks you
    Too much of these to random places, i don't think it's a fun feature in any maps. Especially the ceiling one that u hit with the bird or jet or wall walking aliens without even anticipating it at all. It should be at least an invisible wall, no killing involved, I don't like that.

    • Random crashes and server reset
    Yea you are surely aware of this one

    • Tyrant too op
    Well compared to all other aliens, it's the only one that can truly take out a base and pretty easily. Unless you buff other aliens or humans  or balance this shit with stronger building, the tyrants cannot be that strong, it's unreal in my opinion. The problem about buffing the building is wrong because weaker aliens or humans weapon is already kinda weak against buildings.
    I'm pretty sure if you work these aspects of the game and balance all the content you can attract a bigger player base, this game has it potential, but it needs quick reaction and devotion from the dev team so that people who tries it for the first time are not disappointed by how the game feels.

    I know it's still in alpha but you guys we're working on this for so long and I am worried that if you don't have a lot of players even after exposing on steam that the project might not speed up properly.

    What kind of engine are you using ? I'm not an expert at all but if you built it yourself, that might be difficult to deal with all this fluidity issue with the controls and shit. I know that the new Unreal Engine would be dope for that game, I don't know if you have ever considered trying to merge the game on this engine, it might help you, just an idea. The strafe from quake engine make this kind of game much more enjoyable and I just read u made this feature low priority, but that's what make the controls natural, enjoyable and creative in my opinion. You should see my mara jumps in trem, it's crazy how you can push the limits of this alien when you get into it, because it's fluid and generates speed with precision and skill.

    Let me know your point of view about what I just wrote in that post, I did not look much of this forum but I surely played dozens of game that I won easily because i'm good at Trem, ppl would just stack my team, btw fix that so the teams are balanced its annoying eheh.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2018, 04:26:23 AM by Draikonz »

Offline Prophet #1 on: March 29, 2018, 05:13:18 AM

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Hello Draikonz.   :)

I want to say I definitely agree with some of the points you made, however I'm not even sure we're at the stage where we can even begin to talk about game balance.  I think just general fixes and polish needs to happen first.  I would love to play some games 5v5 or 10v10 with actual trem vets instead of steam randoms before I make any judgement calls there.

However I do have to agree with Narbatuker... Right now I skip that evolution completely.   A buff is already in the works according to rota.   On the tyrant, they are strong, but I think it's actually because they're too small rather than because of their stats.  This tyrant is actually not much bigger than a battlesuit and fairly slim.  I suspect it would feel more balanced if they were bigger.

I have you tried messing with your settings at all?  Maybe turning down some settings as I don't think I'm experiencing the same input lag issues as you do.

EDIT: Also the models are actually growing on me... And sad... shooting at alien builders = shooting puppies.  Goons are goats.  That is all
« Last Edit: March 29, 2018, 05:15:07 AM by Prophet »

Offline Draikonz #2 on: March 29, 2018, 05:38:51 AM

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I have not messed with config, my computer is brand new and I don't think its my computer lagging, by example wall walking is sluggish and slow, and no strafe acceleration and anything with a loading bar like pounce glitches a bit. What I mean with the input lag there is a kind of a lack of alien mobility problem.

Offline Machine Medic #3 on: March 29, 2018, 06:02:59 AM

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I agree with a lot of what you've said.  Bugs, crashes, input lag, frame rates, odd shadows, weird client prediction.  Needs to get polished.  Needs money to get polished.  Only money at this point is from Indie Go Go.  Crowdfunding fails = basic fixes, then no further development = find people willing to contribute to crowdfunding or else GG.  That's the gist of the situation at the moment.

Either that, or go open source and figure out some way to convince Sparky & Co.® to work on it.  Good luck with that.  Never say never.  Maybe they'd be willing to help.  I don't know.

The game is running on Unreal Engine 4.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2018, 06:25:10 AM by Machine Medic »
2x 980ti @1.3GHz, 5820k @ 4.4GHz, 32GB DDR4 @ 2.4GHz, SSD 950 512GB & 850 1024GB.

=\Co-Leader of Contra Clan/=

Offline Loki #4 on: March 29, 2018, 09:05:28 AM

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Some of those things you've said are/were being addressed and will roll out in the coming update/s. The game runs on UE4 like Machine Medic said.

I agree with you on all parts basically but I've come to bear with them. Dev/s are fixing crashes to make the game stable while making some lesser tweaks, it definitely isn't in the final form. Rants are stupidly OP, too fast and can fit almost anywhere which means you can just simply stop running because you are dead sooner or later :DD

Offline Rotacak #5 on: March 29, 2018, 12:01:05 PM

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    • The way the the controls feels like
    It feels like there is something wrong with the controls, it's not fluid enough and the game-play is not fast enough. Aliens feels like they're retardly slow and difficult to control, I know that we get used to it after a couple of game, but it just doesn't feel like the user is in control of the character, it seems like there is some kind of input lag or an after delay of some kind.
    There should be no input lag but everyone have own acceleration, that could be that problem. It can be adjusted.

    • The hit boxes
    I think you're aware that the alien hit boxes are not on point, the models are not my style too, why fury animals when you could have made some scary monsters. I don't know if you plan to keep all these models but I don't feel like these models reflect the typical "aliens".
    Typical alien is probably defined by Ridley Scott in movie Alien from 1979. But that is not law. In any game where ale aliens they are scary and ugly. But alien is nothing like scary and ugly. Alien is only visitor from other world. And on Murnatan planet aliens looks like that :) And probably when you will meet real aliens in real world, they will not be scary and ugly with unlimited slime in mouth.

    • Nartabucker wall jump and speed is retarded
    Since the game is not running on Quake engine, the acceleration is awful which makes the controls difficult to deal with, the humans sprints and accelerate faster than Nartabucker, the walljump is not of much use honestly since it's too slow in my opinion.
    True. Narba controls are already changed and will be released in next update.

    • Nartabucker lightning attack
    What does it do, TBH I don't find any use of it, it sucks.
    Continuous killing spark. Better against stacked buildings.

    • Pum's pounce
    It just doesn't feel right, it's difficult to track human with the pounce because humans are faster... and I don't know how the pounce damage works but it does not trigger unless human is retarded and doesn't move.
    Will be changed in next update. Currently you have to collide with target.

    • Plasma gun
    I don't like it and it feels laggy to me, don't see the point of using it
    Is good for killing bases and shooting around corner.

    • Map limits that reks you
    Too much of these to random places, i don't think it's a fun feature in any maps. Especially the ceiling one that u hit with the bird or jet or wall walking aliens without even anticipating it at all. It should be at least an invisible wall, no killing involved, I don't like that.
    That killing ceiling is bug, removed in next update.

    • Tyrant too op
    Well compared to all other aliens, it's the only one that can truly take out a base and pretty easily. Unless you buff other aliens or humans  or balance this shit with stronger building, the tyrants cannot be that strong, it's unreal in my opinion. The problem about buffing the building is wrong because weaker aliens or humans weapon is already kinda weak against buildings.
    Don't judge Tyrant so fast. With few players can be overpowered, but otherwise not. Let's test it more.

    I'm pretty sure if you work these aspects of the game and balance all the content you can attract a bigger player base, this game has it potential, but it needs quick reaction and devotion from the dev team so that people who tries it for the first time are not disappointed by how the game feels.

    I know it's still in alpha but you guys we're working on this for so long and I am worried that if you don't have a lot of players even after exposing on steam that the project might not speed up properly.

    What kind of engine are you using ? I'm not an expert at all but if you built it yourself, that might be difficult to deal with all this fluidity issue with the controls and shit. I know that the new Unreal Engine would be dope for that game, I don't know if you have ever considered trying to merge the game on this engine, it might help you, just an idea. The strafe from quake engine make this kind of game much more enjoyable and I just read u made this feature low priority, but that's what make the controls natural, enjoyable and creative in my opinion. You should see my mara jumps in trem, it's crazy how you can push the limits of this alien when you get into it, because it's fluid and generates speed with precision and skill.

    Let me know your point of view about what I just wrote in that post, I did not look much of this forum but I surely played dozens of game that I won easily because i'm good at Trem, ppl would just stack my team, btw fix that so the teams are balanced its annoying eheh.[/list]
    It runs already on Unreal Engine 4. It can make many things easy but also many things more complicated and maybe even impossible.

    Controls and balancing are always things to tune. Narba will be better but still I think that it will need several iterations until will be very good.

    Team balancing is another thing to be done, sure.

    Offline herovis #6 on: March 29, 2018, 02:03:50 PM

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    I would also appreciate to see how much players are connected on server from main menu. That would be great. :)

    Offline Nomad #7 on: March 29, 2018, 04:27:31 PM

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    I would also appreciate to see how much players are connected on server from main menu. That would be great. :)

    This. So much this. Game is unplayable right now because those players who are online (what's the average, like 14 at a time?) are connected to different servers. Every server has like three players and it's annoying.

    Offline Loki #8 on: March 29, 2018, 05:18:29 PM

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    that's why i check servers first, then play

    Offline Rex #9 on: March 29, 2018, 05:21:29 PM

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    I would also appreciate to see how much players are connected on server from main menu. That would be great. :)

    Number of players in-game and server ping would be a godsend. Especially since there are a tonne of servers now (considering how early it is since release).

    Offline Loki #10 on: March 29, 2018, 06:38:44 PM

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    okay i just saw the server list and realized since morning it increased with 2-3 servers at the very least


    we need a playercount ASAP or force those guys to close down some of their multiple servers, otherwise this is not going to end well :DD