Author Topic: Turn off rant charge and gas tk and other things  (Read 1805 times)

Offline Prophet on: April 03, 2018, 03:53:03 AM

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One of the most infuriating things when playing aliens right now, especially in smaller maps like box field.

Suggestions for default settings (if these things are customizable)

1.   Rant charge/Grabit gas/narb zap should not deal damage to allies.  If not full immunity maybe half damage
2.   Increase booster range significantly, only one alien can use it at the time atm.  maybe healing too
3.   narb zap is useless.  The narb jump is all vertical, need some forward velocity
4.   Overmind/Reactor needs damage indicators, no idea if its low or not. 
5.   Default bp might be a bit too high
6.   Alien sense cannot tell between structure and human... Sniffing doesn't seem to make a difference
7.   Both aliens and humans really need to jump higher.  Grabit cannot even jump on a human's head like in Trem
8.  You should be able to kill the enemy RC or OM during sudden death... I'm not really sure why this is a thing.  Currently all you have to do to build a good base is hide everything behind your invincible RC/OM and survive till SD
9. Rant crush when you get on top of a human?  I don't remember if this was a thing in 1.1
« Last Edit: April 05, 2018, 04:15:02 AM by Prophet »

Offline BFG #1 on: April 03, 2018, 02:54:29 PM

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Also, if a pitin gets too close to you when you're healing, your healing stops. (not sure if all the aliens, only noticed it on Tyran)

Offline Loki #2 on: April 03, 2018, 03:16:13 PM

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6.   Alien sense cannot tell between structure and human... Sniffing doesn't seem to make a difference

I agree with most, sniffing however works

Offline Prophet #3 on: April 03, 2018, 07:16:45 PM

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Also, if a pitin gets too close to you when you're healing, your healing stops. (not sure if all the aliens, only noticed it on Tyran)

Yeah this bug is annoying, I reported it yesterday on the bug tracker so hopefully it gets attention

Offline Prophet #4 on: April 03, 2018, 07:22:37 PM

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6.   Alien sense cannot tell between structure and human... Sniffing doesn't seem to make a difference

I agree with most, sniffing however works

Perhaps it is bugged for me?  When I sniff it seems to turn all dots blue, not just humans but also structures so idk.

Even if it did work as expected it's really annoying tbh.  Since sniffing is spammable it serves no purpose other than just another button you have to press.  Unless it gets a cooldown or something there is no strategic value added.  Just spam sniff all day.

My suggestion would be to change it so that aliens can sense humans all the time (shown blue) and sniff be given a 10-15s cooldown and double the range of the alien sense ability.  That way you can use it strategically to call out human movements.  Intelligent teams with voice coms could even cycle the use of this ability to constantly get a read on human movements.  Some sort of "ward" or sensor thing that gets thrown for humans would be cool too.  I really like game play built around collecting information

Offline Prophet #5 on: April 05, 2018, 04:10:13 AM

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I'll keep adding things as I run into them.  Has anyone figured out how sniffing is suppose to work?  I don't want to report it as a bug until I'm sure its broken, but it seems to be.

Offline Loki #6 on: April 05, 2018, 07:44:17 AM

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unlike in Tremulous, structures and humans on your radar are not painted different colors... therefore if you're in the vicinity of a base and you see things pop up on your alien radar, all of them are in red

sniffing makes you differentiate structures (during sniffing they are painted blue) from the humans (they stay red)