Author Topic: My ideas  (Read 5621 times)

Offline Gunther #15 on: December 04, 2012, 03:20:02 PM

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@prophet's modded idea about hovel: This only just occured to me, but this could introduce a lot of bias considering aliens build up faster than humans already [except gpp, because the aliens have 150 bp, not 100]

1. Humans must build good antisnipe base and aliens anti grenade/luci base. Aliens can snipe medi, and they need good position and time for this. Hunans can nade booster/egg, and they don't need good position and time, only must be quick.

2. BTW, we tried rebuildable armoury and medi on funserver one time. Humans moved base to plants room. It was very hard to kill arm and medi, but we killed it after few rushes. But they rebuilded it - humans was immortal.
1. I find pulse rifle more of an anti-alien base threat than luci. Pulse kills the overmind in a merem 85 pulses approximately, which is one clip + 10 bullets for 1.1 games. Aliens do not need a good position to snipe unless in a cramped spot. For example, human defaut, if my fps is decent, i can snipe 3 while dodging humans and pounce back out. It's easy as headchomping nakeds.
Also, humans do need to aim their grenade correctly as well as navigating. I often see noobs attempt grenade rushes only to see a tyrant appear in front of them and the nade bounces and lands in a vacant spot. But i aggree, as a human, it's a whole lot easier killing alien bases than aliens killing human bases. Without aliens around, humans can just shoot off the corners of the bboxes of the alien structures without taking a single damage counter.
Old 1.2 strategy. New game, new hit boxes, new physics. Two smart humans will camp in the ATCS hall, kill all smaller aliens, and run back or lead a adv goon/tyrant back to their double-mined entrance. Or just spam Luci-bolts at the entrances.
Now you see you don't...headshot

Offline Rotacak #16 on: December 04, 2012, 07:29:21 PM

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2. Yes, whole base was moved there. I am not sure if there were containers, it is very long time ago. But containers are not problem, they are strong but also big - so they block humans too. Problem was that we spend all evo for rush, then humans start camping until rebuilded arm+medi.

Offline ViruS #17 on: December 05, 2012, 01:23:18 PM

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1. Yes, whole base was moved there.
2. Problem was that we spend all evo for rush, then humans start camping until rebuilded arm+medi.
1. Before or after SD? That's my point. If it's before, then its unrelated. If its after, thats kinda yourfault for allowing them to rebuild everything/most things. after sd
2.  I don't see a problem. It's probably just a tactic that they used and it worked. People do it in scrims at the near-point of no return.
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Therefore, Tremulous 2 might have the future (or might not, since it isn't developed by a corporations, depends on what Global Government will decide), but Unvarnished doesn't.
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Sucks to be those Unvarnished guys.

Offline Rotacak #18 on: December 05, 2012, 01:33:57 PM

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1. Before or after SD? That's my point. If it's before, then its unrelated. If its after, thats kinda yourfault for allowing them to rebuild everything/most things. after sd
2.  I don't see a problem. It's probably just a tactic that they used and it worked. People do it in scrims at the near-point of no return.
1. Base can be moved only before SD
2. Immortal tactic :)

Offline Gunther #19 on: December 05, 2012, 03:32:02 PM

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2. Immortal tactic :)

Why call it "Sudden Death" if vital buildings can be rebuilt? If you want more Medi/Arm, build more instead of rets.
Now you see you don't...headshot

Offline Rotacak #20 on: December 05, 2012, 05:08:32 PM

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2. Immortal tactic :)

Why call it "Sudden Death" if vital buildings can be rebuilt? If you want more Medi/Arm, build more instead of rets.
Yes, I agree. SD was developed to fix unlimited games. And rebuilding in SD was developed to fix "limited" games :)