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Messages - Jerivision

Pages: [1] 2
Suggestions, ideas / Re: Human ideas thread
« on: May 08, 2013, 01:14:08 PM »
Maybe have a sexier battlesuit and make the player taller when inside, as in heighten the eye level of the player when inside to make it seem more realistic. Idk but the battle suit should give the player some degree of super strength, like rip off an auto turret and use it. Sorry, been watching Schwarzenegger throughout my weekend...
the inside of the battle suit helmet should fog up from the players breath when inside, and some dynamic lighting to make it sexy.

Discussion / Re: Theme maps and Aliens/Humans + Vehicles and guns
« on: May 08, 2013, 09:44:05 AM »
Maybe something like an urban setting, here on earth where everthang is run down, sort of like a Chernobyl with concrete buildings in a large dome type thing like a huge greenhouse.

Suggestions, ideas / Re: game ideas in general thread
« on: May 08, 2013, 09:28:12 AM »
Make a map based on Chernobyl, I did some research on the place for a project and omg, it is very (if eerily) beautiful.  :) it looks beautiful and post apocalyptic, kind of like how I imagined this game in my head to be.
I'm sorry these are probably just map ideas from me. My view of tremulous is the "predator ish post apocalyptic avp-universe-counterstrike-halo-aliens-vs-humans kind of game.

but also it would be awesome for aliens to hear a strange emanating voice at the back of their head when the objective changes, the over mind tells them what to do, humans could receive orders from the right earpiece or something for command to issue orders.

64 players would be freaking hectic in a massive server,(wow!) I wanna see some great verticality in this game, maybe a map with humans at the top of a building and aliens climbing up from all sides, that would be epic to watch.

could there be  a chance of an ammo sharing-medpack trading system in the game?

I wanna see human parkour.

maybe humans could shoot or cut off aliens legs and when aliens regen they grow the leg back, like a starfish :)

grappling hooks?

Suggestions, ideas / Re: game ideas in general thread
« on: May 08, 2013, 09:14:01 AM »
Maybe add a desert map where aliens could burrow under the sand, but not through concrete and steel. Same goes for snow themed maps maybe?

maybe let humans mark aliens with a waypoint and tag them?
aliens could also mark humans with a special gas and will mark them if they go through it.

aliens with mid range attacks,
maybe acid spit or something if you're going to have 64 players might require some huge maps, maybe give aliens something to defend themselves against extremely long range attacks. No point spawning as a tyrant If you're going to get sniped at your base by someone across the map.

Suggestions, ideas / Re: Gametypes brainstorm
« on: May 08, 2013, 09:05:01 AM »
"Harvest mode"
alien team needs to feed the overmind by collecting "nutrients" from humans (drop item in this game type) aliens collect and "feed" the overmind to get points, humans need to gain "organic samples" and return it to their base, if your team collects enough (50ish?) the game ends, if a player stacks 10 in a row and brings it back to base, the game ends, if a player dies, he/she loses all stacked objects. Special waypoint markers are placed on those who stack above 3 or more. If overmind/hq dies, the game is over.

Suggestions, ideas / Re: Alien ideas thread
« on: May 08, 2013, 08:51:26 AM »
Maybe we could add something to the game, like the over mind issuing orders to the alien team in a strange emanating voice, humans could get orders from their command headsets and receive the audio fro. One side of the headset like the left ear. Overminds voice could emanate from the back of the head. "virtual barbershop" surround sound techniques.

Suggestions, ideas / Re: Gametypes brainstorm
« on: May 07, 2013, 03:00:09 PM »
Everyone is a granger with a target(maybe a large egg thing that glows) mounted to the back, 4v4 I think would be perfect and players try to hit the enemies egg. One hit to the egg, gg.

A player is selected as a VIP and must traverse through the map to various safe points. VIP has one life and everyone else unlimited. VIP gets assaulted horrible by aliens. Game over.

tyrants vs Lucifer cannons, really bouncy map.

Aliens turn to hide. One juggernaut human player with a "flashlight like a heat ray" marauders better survive.

Suggestions, ideas / Re: game ideas in general thread
« on: May 07, 2013, 02:53:21 PM »
Glad that people are reading my ideas and liking a good amount of them. Can't wait for the finished game, a labor of love.

Suggestions, ideas / Gametypes brainstorm
« on: May 07, 2013, 10:25:47 AM »
Just list some gametype variants we could try to implement in murnatan.

obviously the Conquest.
The classic gametype we all know and love from tremulous. Aliens versus humans. Destroy each others bases, etc.but add some new mechanics like the ability to make another base by capturing a rally point/ increasing resource farm to build and evolve.

fight club/tyrant arena
everyone's a tyrant, free for all arena.

buffed up, wall crawling alien against survivors. Similar to hunter and infection.

hardcore mode
no sensors it radar, heavily reliant on footsteps and stealth mechanics, similar to conquest except a lot harder.

starship troopers. 16 humans versus 48 aliens, humans are buffed with machine guns and power suits. One life each. Aliens can spawn as anything but only one life

evolution, aliens versus humans, similar to gun game, each kill changes weapons and evolution for aliens.

Suggestions, ideas / Re: Human ideas thread
« on: May 07, 2013, 09:58:37 AM »
Oh good, I'd also like to suggest a "push and block" mechanic not unlike avp and left for dead to give our human people a good fighting chance against the marauder bites and tyrants etc.

Discussion / Re: CountDown.
« on: May 06, 2013, 11:28:50 AM »
I'm so excited omg the nostalgia. Maybe try to make another teaser, wait for views to increase, then make another kickstarter.

Suggestions, ideas / Re: Alien ideas thread
« on: May 06, 2013, 11:17:52 AM »
Yeah, hence the glue bomb to slow em down or use it to block light sources to make shadows for a short amount of time until it disappears. Granger is Mah fave. Also, aliens could possibly eat dead bodies to gain health and tyrants probably need to consume whole humans during trophy kills to gain chunks of health

Maybe aliens such as dretches could eat the bodies and heal much quicker, tyrants would probably need to consume one whole body to get back to full health.

alien and human bodies could be salvaged and or "dogtagged" to take off a trophy kill.

alien bodies could just disintegrate or something cooler.

Suggestions, ideas / Re: CPM Challenge Pro Mode
« on: May 06, 2013, 11:05:14 AM »
There should also be random casual gametypes like tyrant 1v1 should be put in for casuals and to ease off the serious games.

Suggestions, ideas / Re: CPM Challenge Pro Mode
« on: May 06, 2013, 10:59:03 AM »
I reckon there should be a purist mode without the custom guns only cosmetic items allowed, to recreate classic game mode alien vs humans, but there definitely needs to be something like a hunter mode, like humans vs a single ultra tyrant or a buffed up maruder that can crawl on walls, humans only get one life and turn into aliens when dead. I really want to take advantage of the stealth aspects and the fear.

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