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Messages - Gunther

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 17
News / Re: New name, new rule
« on: April 24, 2013, 05:03:50 PM »
By the way, that's^ a meme


News / Re: New name, new rule
« on: April 19, 2013, 07:54:14 PM »
BTW, no memes...

Quote from: Rotacak
Gunther: how did you found "Murnatan" on a map? Google did not knew that link before.

Quote from: Coin Dealer from TV show 'Psych'(Paraphrased)
"Oh please Mr. Guster. I take all the necessary precautions. I use my brains, and I use my smarts, all to outwit, low-life search-engines."

News / Re: New name, new rule
« on: April 17, 2013, 05:50:49 PM »
to topic that name is pretty good, unique but as I wrote on FB it's very similar to some japanese/chinese mmo/naruto, I wonder if its roots are from there.
No, this name have no roots. It is totally new and clear name in the world :)
Sorry to disappoint, but the name is an old surname for a tribe on the Molucca Islands:

Map (Zoom out to see):

Name index (Almost like their version of a phone book):

Pro Tip: Just search for the name by using Ctl+F or Cmd+F when you get to the page

But you know, I'm sure they will not mind, as they probably have never ever heard a single word of English and probably don't even know that Czechoslovakia exists.

Gunther is a cool person in every situation! I fuckin like this guy!

But really, all I used were my resources.

It does sound like a nice name, but I can't wait for Rotacak's other hidden meaning.  :P

For future reference: if someone feels strongly about me, just karma-tize accordingly

News / Re: New name, new rule
« on: April 17, 2013, 01:36:11 AM »
to topic that name is pretty good, unique but as I wrote on FB it's very similar to some japanese/chinese mmo/naruto, I wonder if its roots are from there.
No, this name have no roots. It is totally new and clear name in the world :)
Sorry to disappoint, but the name is an old surname for a tribe on the Molucca Islands:

Map (Zoom out to see):

Name index (Almost like their version of a phone book):

Pro Tip: Just search for the name by using Ctl+F or Cmd+F when you get to the page

But you know, I'm sure they will not mind, as they probably have never ever heard a single word of English and probably don't even know that Czechoslovakia exists.

Off topic / Re: Tremulous 1.2 Release
« on: April 06, 2013, 05:49:36 PM »
I just count 1.2GPP as some final form of 1.2 because, lets face it, that's about as far as its going to get.

News / Re: Final decision about design
« on: April 03, 2013, 06:41:21 PM »
Wow, I've been inactive for a couple weeks and have missed...nothing.
But anyway.
Full power to Rotacak and his Amazing Team of Those-With-Czech-Names-That-Are Too-Hard-to-Spell + Nalf.  :)

Suggestions, ideas / Re: Use HTML5
« on: March 17, 2013, 07:15:20 PM »
Same argument was made for Java. "Oh, it will be the future and the downfall of so-and-so". Well now lets look at its "proudest" achievement: an 8-bit-like pixelated crap game (Minecraft) being run on i5 computers. HTML5 is no different; just a fun thing to spruce up your website, nothing more.

Off topic / Re: Dr. Gordon Freeman Chronicles
« on: March 15, 2013, 01:53:37 PM »

Suggestions, ideas / Re: Use HTML5
« on: March 15, 2013, 01:41:38 PM »
I'm dead serious, stop using whatever C++ engine you're using and port to HTML5 or this game has no future!
Speaking about the game itself, which I guess he still thinks will be like the old version instead of Unreal. But then he suggests using HTML5 for the engine.

Go home lame you are very drunk.

Off topic / Re: How you wash your vehicle in America
« on: March 10, 2013, 05:08:41 AM »
How to wash your car in Slovakia:

err, we do not have
Why? Banned or not enough money?
(Seriously too lazy to look up)

Suggestions, ideas / Re: aquatic alien
« on: March 05, 2013, 04:12:16 PM »
But then new maps will need much more water. Water in Trem1 was perfect for humans as aliens became slow moving targets. Maybe the idea will work

Suggestions, ideas / Re: Flying Granger like Builder
« on: March 05, 2013, 04:09:56 PM »
A flying bumble bee like alien that is able to build on really high places easier then to wall walk with a adv. granger the name should be fuzsbai or niccitidd or (Insert your name here) Ideas?

There is/was already a flying alien in development, but not a builder.

News / Re: We cancelled Kickstarter campaign
« on: March 05, 2013, 04:07:03 PM »
We shut down the Kickstarter campaign, because we need to change the game's name and we also need to decide what will be our goal now. Before the next step, we must discuss and answer the following questions in our team:

1) Should we continue with the same aliens?
2) Or, we could make some brand new aliens?

(Altered 1 and 2 to sound more together so that they could be answered together)

Exactly original aliens could backire again, especially with promises to make the game very different.

Unfortunately, there's also the Natural Selection roadblock to work around. Since keeping the same aliens is a gray area, but making sure not copying NS aliens, actually leaves a good boundary to work from. We know to almost stay away from the original Tremulous, but not get so far out from NS that no one can relate to any part of the game.

News / Re: Kickstarter is paused
« on: March 05, 2013, 03:56:59 PM »
I'm considering sending this to all newcomers' inboxes, but I won't spam.

For any current or future haters/spammers/trolls/people who want to put down the project (and you know who you are) who want to post: There is no point in trying. All you do is waste your time. Unfortunately, we will read your posts out of curiousity, and you might even get a reply from someone, but it is not like the entire project will be changed based on your open or subtle hints and comments.
If you do not like the project, then leave and support another.

But, going by your own recent posts, it's perfectly fine to not only come from a ban on RCZ but also from forums to question and hate on our project/people, right?

Take a hike.

Off topic / Re: How you wash your vehicle in America
« on: March 05, 2013, 03:49:01 PM »
How to wash your car in Europe:

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