he potential thrive in linux gaming
In fact the "potential" part of this is very true, for:
Windows takes 69% compared to 1,64% of linux. Find me the "thrive" part here
You do realise the 1.64% is today,
not in 2014 when trem2 is to be released, by then the statistics could even be reversed, as i have said before, with the big players such as steam moving to linux, by 2014, linux could be bigger than windows for gaming especially as windows is a dying piece of software. people are likely to start to move to linux as they eventually realise that a company can never provide the same quality and security as such a huge open source project as linux is.
If you read down on that page you gave a link for, look at the PC's of the future (supercomputer section). By 2014 it is entirely plausible that a "standard" PC will match these specs as these computers are obviously the future, look at the software uses for those
future computers...
linux, 92.4%
Ms windows, 0.4%
As this technology developed in these computers will be carried forward into commercial use, it is entirely plausible that when this technology becomes commercially available, they will all be sold running linux as that is how they were optimised to work.
PC, (personal computer), the term has nothing to do with whether the PC has MS windows on it... if you use it to describe a computer only with MS windows on it, you are using the term incorrectly.
once again im looking forward,
NOT NOW. if trem 2 were to be released soon (a few months), then yes a linux version would be pointless but its being released in 2014. you have to think in the time when it will be used by the public. This is a HUGE time gap in software terms, microsoft could not even be around any more in 2 years for all we know (worst case scenario of course), It seems as if its taking a huge risk and putting all your eggs in one basket.
Still withe the engine issues, OSX is ,linux based, so i cant see it being as difficult as you are making it out to be. there is already a strong starting point with the mac version, and as it is linux based it shouldn't be nearly as difficult as rewriting the engine which is what you seem to be implying (as far as i understand the memory management is the same) ...
there may be 300000 lines of code, but you would have to change very little of it. The only things changing would be parts of the interface between the software and the game, which would not be too difficult. I assume you are not thinking of re-writing the entire engine (that would be pointless
Unreal technology? If Valve are moving to linux, the rest are going to follow one day soon, or they will simply be left behind...
it seems stupid that by the time the game is released, a significant proportion of the audience could have to dual boot their PC's or use WINE... if you are going to charge for this game you have to provide proper support.